--> Nancy T. Smith, Ph.D., mobile app developer and A.I. researcher

Nancy T. Smith, Ph.D. Warrior Princess Productions

Mobile Apps

Bringing together decades of embedded real-time programming experience and recent serious academic artificial intelligence research into building mobile apps. iOS and Android provide an opportunity for those of us who love to program unlike anything in the past.


My most excellent employer. A tremendously successful website specializing in group bookings. I have the honor of being their Mobile developer. Download one of our apps!

My Inspiration

The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil. Some messages are so powerful they change your life. This book will change your view of the future, and make you excited about A.I. and the coming years.

My Apps

Rhythm ID was launched January 1st, 2013. It is a method for drummers and dancers to learn to recognize and remember middle eastern rhythms. Puppy Dogs was launched January 25th, 2013, and is an interactive children's bedtime story. It was written and illustrated by my very talented sister, who is a psychologist and mother.